Wednesday 26 August 2015

String Skipping Arpeggios

To play this study you only need to know one minor and one major arpeggio shape. 

I use this study to help students develop good left hand position. If the left hand is not positioned correctly the stretches involved in this piece can prove to be a little troublesome.


Altered images

Here is a quick and easy altered Dominant riff. The d flat is the flat nine and the d sharp is the sharp nine.

A quick and easy Dominant 7 riff.

Here is a very easy Dominant seven riff. I encourage my students to play this riff moving up in half steps along the fingerboard and name the notes as they go.

May the fourth be with you.

I see many guitarist's that have forgotten the value of building chords with the root note on the fourth string. Learning these chord forms will certainly help your fingerboard knowledge. 

Always the student.

Even the greatest of musicians revel in being the student, being open to new experiences.

Altered Dominant Sound.

Here is a quick and easy riff to help create altered Dominant sounds.

Five G major scales.

Here is a little test just to see if this blog can be of help to fellow guitarist's. 

Resurrecting A Blog?

I have been thinking that it may be helpful to resurrect this blog right here on blogger.  I am thinking of posting musical educational happenings from my corner of the earth.